The mass readings for the Lent Season are as followsĬatholic Mass Readings for the Lent Season Catholic Mass Readings for The Eastertide | Eastertime | Paschaltide | Paschaltime | Paschal season The Mass Readings for Christmas Time, Christmastide, Noel are as followsĬatholic Mass Readings for Christmas Time, Christmastide, Noel Catholic Mass Readings for the Lent Season The Mass Readings for the Advent Season are as followsĬatholic Mass Readings for The Advent Season Catholic Mass Readings for Christmas Time | Christmastide | Noel
The mass readings for Feasts and Solemnities are as followsĬatholic Mass Readings for Feasts and Solemnities Catholic Mass Readings for the Advent Season
The Weekday readings for the Ordinary Time are as followsĬatholic Daily Readings for Year 2 Catholic Mass Readings for All Feasts and Solemnities Catholic Daily Readings for Weekday Masses